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Pornostars (Autor: admin)
JimSlip.com - Lora Summer - A whole Lora love

If my late gran had seen Lora's skintight rubber effect trousers she would have venomously spat, "I expect you'll find trousers like THOSE hanging in the Devil's wardrobe soon enough!" Although I can't imagine The Devil has need of a "wardrobe" per se. Truly on Lora they did cling in places that would make a brothel owner blush! For that reason alone, I accosted her in the street and did my "I'm a photographer......blah! blah!" routine on her and sure enough she was back at my place and in no time I had my fingers clenched into her round, rubber-clad buttocks. I challenge the Pope himself not to be tempted from his holy path by the site of a girl like Lora strutting around in these abominations known as trousers! Anyway, as you will see Lora was a very cute, young minx and was more than willing to peel off her trousers and everything else...
Story published 25-03-2013, 11:58, viewed 2631 times and 0 comments left.
Pornostars (Autor: admin)
PenelopeBlackDiamond.com - two Dildos - real monster orgasm

Penelope Black Diamond – Penelope sexy in tight jeans hot pants, to a tight shirt over her big boobs and high heels * WOW *. Penelope then drops the clothes. and pampers her wet hole. She lets her pussy fucked by her husband and brings himself thus a monster orgasm.
Story published 12-03-2013, 17:16, viewed 3526 times and 0 comments left.