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Anal, Teens, Asian (Autor: admin)
Story published 15-07-2013, 10:26, viewed 7575 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Pim (Nic)

Some nites you go out and it's a real grind trying to find a girl that is willing to make movies(a "coalition of the willing" if I may), other times it's as easy as pie. This nite just as I was making my jounery into the Nana, I saw this girl near Mcdonalds next to the gas station there. She seemed hot to trot and was definitely in the game. I asked her ,"what are you doing", she said she was looking to score some extra cash for her rent that was coming up soon. She told me she had a day job at a HomeMart and she was using this opportunity as a time to make some extra pay, as her day job wasn't cutting it. She had this weird desire to cover her tattoos claiming that if people saw them they would know it was her for sure. I'm no rocket scientist but I would have thought showing your face is a better give away it's you then any tattoos you might have. Regardless, It lead to some weird body contortion while she was riding cowboy to keep her leg tattoo covered. It was a nice solid shoot and Pim was no stranger to the cock even working at a Home Improvement store. I had my Camera girls helping me out and they did an admiral job covering the scene but I don't know what I was thinking have two Thai birds staying in my room with me that week. They didn't seem to like me taking turns shagging each of them as they didn't know each other and I think there was a bit of jealousy running amok. Finally the one camera girl left and I was with my main one again. I think the porn life wasn't for her.
Story published 29-06-2013, 11:35, viewed 3830 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin)
Story published 22-06-2013, 09:38, viewed 3495 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin)
Story published 15-06-2013, 12:09, viewed 6645 times and 0 comments left.
Anal, Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Nit (Pook)

This nubile young thing was fresh working the Agogo's in The Bangkok whore scene. She had tricked some foolish bloke into paying for her big silicone nugs. She mentioned she had a baby and I can't imagine her tits were that bad but she decided to prop them up with these bolt-on's. The night I found her I was going to match her up with a superstar girl I had some couple of months earlier. The Superstar was adamant that she would not go Lesbian but she told me she would help me land another girl that looked good. She talked to Nit and we parted ways with the superstar and I had me another great find. Nit took the cock very well for such a young one. She even decided that anal was in the equation so I got some great anal action in her nice tight virgin asshole. There were a few tears but she swallowed hard and came back with a vengeance. I actually shot this scene over two days, so much that I enjoyed this sweet cutie. I'll probably add some bonus scenes with her in the future because I had so much footage.
Story published 1-06-2013, 12:11, viewed 5422 times and 0 comments left.
Anal, Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Cherry

Having found a Candypop star on our last go round we decided that Cherry was ripe for the pickings again. This time around Cherry came up to me during one of my scouting for fresh talent runs. She nuzzled up to me and said , "now you can fuck my ass". I asked her when did that come about? She said that she had a customer recently that wanted to try it and she said it was easy for her to do. Just thinking of sliding into that tight ass of hers got me ready to go. I called off the search and said ,"let's do this"! Back at the room of ill repute I got Cherry all set up and she turned in another pornstar performance. This time it was a solo run so Cherry was in her natural environment. Cherry had me able to slip into my porn zone, with her ability to roll with the scene and take it hard I rode that ass into submission and shot a nice load in Cherries pretty face. I received all the accolades, earned all the glory a true legend in my own mind. Waking from my dream I realized that this is why I do porn, the times it comes together like this makes it all worth the effort of dealing with some of the subpar performing girls, shitty laissez-faire attitudes and just plain laziness. Worth a look and I hope you enjoy.
Story published 18-05-2013, 10:36, viewed 4432 times and 0 comments left.
Asian (Autor: admin) - Nan

Performance is what you get when you go with Dirty squirter, When she cums she lets out a jet of warm piss, Yea i love it Great cock sucking mouth, hard boddy and firm hard little titys, She askes me if she did a good job after we finish. Its seemed to be a matter of pride to her that she gives good service ,she realy wants all the men to love her. Well they all do, just not for long.
Story published 28-03-2013, 14:36, viewed 3970 times and 0 comments left.
Asian (Autor: admin)
Story published 26-03-2013, 13:22, viewed 4877 times and 0 comments left.
Asian (Autor: admin) - Bo

Take a look at her. She is a downright slut. You can't say it nicely. She knows she's a slut. She isn't in denial. She loves sex. She loves fucking total strangers while the camera catches it all. She is one girl that isn't ashamed about anything. She's not the type that will blush. She won't become shy when he sprays his cum all over her. She's the type of girl that will ask if he has any friends that could join him. Have you done anything nice for your penis lately? Jerk off to the hottest Asian porn online. Don't you think your penis deserves it?!
Story published 23-03-2013, 14:14, viewed 3308 times and 0 comments left.
Asian (Autor: admin) - Bue

Buey Eats cum off floors,Vice like pussy, Sucks on panties befor sleeping.
Story published 23-03-2013, 13:45, viewed 3531 times and 0 comments left.
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