I was at the market looking for cheap shoes. Fresh faced girlies are everywhere at the market, smiling pleasantly. Girls doing shopping, girls selling their ware on the stalls, you can smell the crumpet. And seeing me, many wonder what it would be like to have a foreigner as a boyfriend. Forget bloody shoes, I knew it would be a good day for a pickup. One particular tall slim girl in a little pink dress and black stockings was wondering around half aimlessly. She stopped at a few food stalls and complained how expensive it was, even though it was all cheep. So I sidled up beside her and offered to buy her something sweet. Fuck off you cheep fuck head foreigner you just wanna fuck my ass, she shouted, with a dirty sneer on her face. Well, I was a bit taken aback, but quick as a flash I replied, so how much money do you want for that then? Fuck you, she swore again, dirty foreigner want to fuck my ass and it hurts. I can buy you lunch, I told her. She spat on the ground next to me. Her face showed contempt, but her figure was appealing, and I really did fancy getting up her back passage. You buy me lunch and new shoes too then I go with you, she said, and spat again. Then she grabbed my hand. I do like the smell of new shoes, and that pair of fake leather flip flops was a good buy. Watch Ying sneer and complain and squeeze her tight sphincter muscles each stoke as my penis glides up between her round brown little buttocks.
Tags: StreetMeatAsia, Ying Anal
Story published 30-06-2013, 13:46, viewed 5153 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 30-06-2013, 13:08, viewed 2211 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 30-06-2013, 12:34, viewed 3142 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 30-06-2013, 11:51, viewed 2883 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 30-06-2013, 11:05, viewed 2928 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 30-06-2013, 10:21, viewed 3499 times and 0 comments left.