- Akira - Yamashita’s Lost Treasure (found) » HD Porno Clips

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Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Akira - Yamashita’s Lost Treasure (found)

All you wannabe Indiana Jones bozo’s digging and snorkeling around the Philippine Islands here can finally stop. This week, Trike Patrol has discovered and plowed over that supposedly lost treasure you’ve been hopelessly searching for all these years. This may come as a depressing shock to you, but there was never any actual Japanese “gold” buried in the dirt or under the ocean you fools. No, no, those crafty Japanese buggers merely used the term “gold” as a code word for something else.
Format : MPEG-4
File size : 324 MiB
Duration : 20mn 58s
Overall bit rate : 2 157 Kbps
Video : 1280x720 - Akira - Yamashita’s Lost Treasure (found)

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Story published 8-12-2013, 17:43, viewed 3215 times.
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