- Mishelle - LBFM Station Relations » HD Porno Clips

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Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Mishelle - LBFM Station Relations

Some places in town here are still ol’ reliables when it comes to picking up an easy piece of ass. The Station is one of those spots. Might not be what it used to be, in terms of selection, but if you drop in and wait around a lil’ while, you’re sure to have a chance at some strange. That’s what Jonas did on this week’s patrol here. He hung out by the front patio seating area until he saw a decent little number walk in and look approachable. He invited her to a table and started rolling tape. It was clear pretty soon off that she was there for a quick hook-up. He got her in a trike (what else?) and back to his short-time hotel before even knowing this much about her:
Format : Flash Video
File size : 271 MiB
Duration : 19mn 32s
Overall bit rate : 1 937 Kbps
Video : 1280x720 - Mishelle - LBFM Station Relations

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Story published 2-11-2013, 14:12, viewed 2447 times.
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