- Pu 18 » HD Porno Clips

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Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Pu 18

Pu is one of those young girls that can't hold down a steady job, she used to work a 7/11 and found the daily schedule too hard to keep to. Later she started working the bar scene and found that where the real money is with the agogo's. I met her at an outdoor bar where she could come and go as she pleased. The Mamasan tried to cockblock me by saying , no movies, but I knew how to circumvent that in a ,"hail mary" move. She started working at an Agogo a couple of weeks later but couldn't keep it up after just 1 day. I figured if I was going to do a movie with her I better just take her back, butter up her holes and be done with her because who knows how long she would be ,"hot to trot", so to speak. I had taken her a couple times to warm up her asshole, which while satisfying , didn't allow for my patented ,"rock out", maneuver . That's where I just plow away at full speed into their inner sugarwalls or chocolate holes. Somehow this night I was pulling a double header having worked on another site I fill in for. It wasn't the easiest scene but somehow I pulled it off, making it in rain on her reluctant face and spent the whole next day sleeping and letting my balls fill up again. Somehow things just seem to come together just right and your left scratching your head wondering ,"how did that work out?".
Format : MPEG-4
File size : 1.46 GiB
Duration : 30mn 26s
Overall bit rate : 6 888 Kbps
Video : 1920x1080 - Pu 18

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Story published 31-08-2013, 11:39, viewed 4732 times.
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