- Rebecca Ivy - _My boyfriend encouraged me to do this._ » HD Porno Clips

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Teens (Autor: admin) - Rebecca Ivy - _My boyfriend encouraged me to do this._

"I thought that I'd find some kinda job when I graduated high school, but I can't," Rebecca said. "My folks won't let me work in any fast food restaurant, so that limits things. I'm not going to college; that would be a dead waste of money and time. So, when my folks are at work, I hang out in the sun, go to the mall, watch TV...or have sex. My boyfriend goes to college not far away, so he often comes over during the day so we can screw. He'd heard about the website so we checked it out one day, and I started thinking about doing a stud with a big dick. Thinking about it led to diddling myself and imagining it, and now here I am! My guy's all for it. He can't wait to check me out online.  I bet that leads to some great sex." Check out the photos, too.
Format : Flash Video
File size : 432 MiB
Duration : 23mn 10s
Overall bit rate : 2 604 Kbps
Video : 1280x720 - Rebecca Ivy - _My boyfriend encouraged me to do this._

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Story published 22-05-2013, 13:47, viewed 1847 times.
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