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Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Vanessa - Sexual Networking

The scene here in town, and all around the country for that matter, seems to be trending more and more towards mongers engaging in what I like to call “Sexual Networking”. Sure, guys still come to visit the bars and barfine girls, but they almost always have girls they’ve met on the internet on “stand-by”, ready to fuck at a moments text or instant message notice.
Story published 14-01-2014, 17:52, viewed 2560 times and 0 comments left.
Asian (Autor: admin) - Mayka - Off the Beaten Path Pussy

Sometimes when the fish aren’t biting in the normal spots, you have to be a little unorthodox and inventive. I knew of a little place off the back roads of town down by the Mango tree groves where I’d occasionally see people taking shortcuts to the main road to for trikes or jeepneys. I thought to myself, what if I just hung out there for a bit to see if I couldn’t catch something roaming about that needed a ride. Well, as luck would have it, I wasn’t there more than 2 minutes when I saw a dark, slim-bodied chick in a white top strolling through the trail.
Story published 14-01-2014, 17:24, viewed 2416 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Angel - Snaggle-Pussy

While out on a mid-morning patrol earlier this week, I motored past two cute-looking girls walking down a back road. So I got my driver to stop and turn around to go see what was up with them. They were both wearing matching white heels and sunglasses but the one girl was extremely shy and stood behind her friend when I approached. I said my hellos the taller girl introduced herself as Angel. She was a petite little thing too, just what I was in the mood for. We exchanged numbers and I sped away, hoping to line something up for later.
Story published 13-01-2014, 15:17, viewed 2408 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Anne – Don’t Tell My Sister

How could anyone forget the hot threesome I had a few weeks ago with the two sisters Anne and Nicole? Well it seems I wasn’t the only one still dreaming about it. Nicole’s sister Anne started texting me a few days ago, first just friendly “hellos” and “what are you doings” and “did you eat your lunch” type texts, then she began with the hints at something more. Anne strikes me as the type who doesn’t get out much and who always played 2nd fiddle to her admittedly better looking sister Nicole. I am almost certain the only reason she came along the first time was because her sister talked her into it. It’s hard to focus on one girl during a threesome, but I sensed she was really enjoying herself and that she doesn’t get as much sex as she wants.
Story published 13-01-2014, 14:51, viewed 2306 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Lalaine - Raid-proof Poonanny

I decided to do a night-time patrol this week so I started off by heading to the SM Mall which is convenient because it’s right near where I am staying. While I was approaching the entrance, I noticed an enticingly cute little girl standing outside looking at the movie listings. She had on this eye-catching red shirt with shiny purple shorts and silver, sparkly heels. All of that coupled by a “spinner” type build and adorable doe-like eyes, put evil thoughts in my head right away. Oh shit, I’m out of cash! No problem, the ATM was just a few steps away and I was able to keep my eye on her as I withdrew my paper aphrodisiac.
Story published 12-01-2014, 13:58, viewed 2331 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Group, Asian (Autor: admin) - April, May - Sister Shopping

After a few failed attempts earlier in the day (yes, it does happen), I was just about to call it quits and try again tomorrow when I dropped by the grocery mart to pick up a few things for dinner. Little did I know, I would come away with more than just food items. As I pushed my way around the always packed little grocery store with aisles way too close together, I noticed a pair of cute young girls at the other end of the room. The look very similar and I immediately thought they might be sisters. Hmmm, this could be interesting. The smaller one in green noticed me looking and gave me the most adorable, “shy-yet-curious” look as she turned the corner.
Story published 12-01-2014, 13:31, viewed 2924 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Trixie – Trike Snatch & Grab

Earlier this week I was set to start my pussy hunt patrol when our usually reliable Trike driver texted saying he was ill. Well damn, doesn’t that suck. Anyone that’s familiar with this place knows it’s quite difficult to find a local you can trust around here. We’ve been using the same two Trike drivers since this whole thing started 5+ years ago now. They are as much a part of the Trike Patrol team as the stickmen (us), the cameramen and the webmasters are.
Story published 11-01-2014, 15:16, viewed 2533 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Group, Asian (Autor: admin) - Joanna, Joy - Caregivers in Training

As our members already know, we’ve had some polls asking which recent girls you would like to see return for an encore here on the site. Well, in one of the polls, Joanna took the win, with Joy coming in second. I texted Joanna letting her know about the results and she was very happy about being voted a favorite by you all. I then asked when she’d like to meet up again for the encore and she told me her schedule’s been quite busy lately as she’s been enrolled in a nursing caregiver course at one of the local hospitals.
Story published 10-01-2014, 14:49, viewed 2770 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Khate - Plump Pruned Pudd Muffin

Jonas and his sleazy female ass-istant took a walk down by the Bay on this overcast afternoon to scout for some tail to be had. Sometimes you have to takes what’s available and what was available on this day was a curly-haired chubster named Khate. When they approached and asked what she was up to, she showed a visual interest in our man Jonas, and noticing this, his naughty lil’ helper moved in quickly to close the deal.
Story published 8-01-2014, 17:01, viewed 2713 times and 0 comments left.
Asian (Autor: admin) - Yen - Cock-loving Cougar

Ok, here’s the next one in that group of 4 from the poll. While Yen here only garnered a paltry 24% of the vote, I was still working on convincing the winner, Che, to meet up with me. So keeping in line with the “why-not-fuck-them-all” idea, I set up an afternoon hotel meeting with Yen earlier this week and things went exactly as planned—–actually, better.
Story published 7-01-2014, 16:06, viewed 2975 times and 0 comments left.
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