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Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Janna - Young as They Cum

This week we bring you an adorable young lady named Janna. As you can see by her photos, she’s about as young and fresh a girl as we’ve ever snared onto our site. Janna here literally just turned 18 a month ago. So those of you out there who like ‘em ripe, this week is for you.
Story published 30-01-2014, 16:06, viewed 2478 times and 0 comments left.
Asian (Autor: admin) - Natalie - Super Hole Triple X

The playing field is set for the big ho’down this week on Trike Patrol: a bumpy, sputtering Trike ride starting on Upper Meadow puts our team on a collision course against a wily, veteran bargirl named Natalie from Periphery Road. Our boys had experience with Natalie in the past, and while something “fresh” is usually preferred, you can’t always game-plan every patrol perfectly. So with that in mind, they quickly jump on her to seize the initiative early in the afternoon’s contest.
Story published 28-01-2014, 14:30, viewed 2543 times and 0 comments left.
Asian (Autor: admin) - Roseanne - Manila Killah

As much as I love this dusty little town up here, I decided to run down to the City on Saturday night for a change of pace. There’s just something about the bright lights of a big City that can inspire you. Maybe it’s an overall sense of “opportunity” in the air. In my case, it was the opportunity to find myself in a meat market of hot-2-trot Filipina pussy. The night started with dinner at a Baywalk restaurant, catching the many maganda smiling faces passing by as I ate. That was just a warm-up for later because my next stop was Seaside Café. This place has been re-named a few times now, but it’s basically one-stop shopping for guys like us. No Trike necessary.
Story published 28-01-2014, 14:08, viewed 2203 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Maui - Philippine Dream Teen

Meet Maui: A delightfully cute and sexy 18 year old Filipina from an island province now visiting the big city. I had the good fortune of meeting her at a small karaoke bar near the bay a few nights ago. She seemed too young and shy to go with me then, but we exchanged numbers and here she is a few days later, showing up at my hotel room door with a flower in her hair and looking extra delicious. This is a real cute one to get my hands on. She shows her age during our small-talk, but let’s face it, guys like us aren’t with 18 year olds for their conversation skills, right?
Story published 27-01-2014, 17:02, viewed 2469 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Jhen - Southern Comfort Girl

When we say Southern Comfort, you probably envision a popular brand of American whiskey. And when we say “Southern Comfort Girl”, you picture some slack-jawed Kentucky mountain skank or a blonde pig-tailed bimbo from Georgia saying “Howdy Ya’ll”. Well you’re wrong on all counts. This is Asia, the other side of the planet. “Comfort Girl” or “Comfort Woman” means one thing here: A straight-up ‘Ho! (to use the southern American vernacular) “Comfort Women” in Asia have been providing men “comfort” for 1000’s upon 1000’s of years. Attilla the Hun had to slow his marches through the Gobi Desert just so the ‘Ho’s could keep up. Fact!
Story published 27-01-2014, 16:30, viewed 1987 times and 0 comments left.
Asian (Autor: admin) - Rain - Quick Cock Study

This week’s episode features a college girl from the Big City named Rain. I ran into her at the Bayside Disco a few nights ago where we exchanged numbers. We had been texting all week, and she flat-out told me she would’ve fucked me on-sight that first night if her schoolmates weren’t with her. (damn, they were hot too) Rain here, definitely has that “naughty schoolgirl” thing going, but it’s common for Filipinas not to wanna act the slut in front of their friends.
Story published 26-01-2014, 14:55, viewed 2293 times and 0 comments left.
Asian (Autor: admin) - Diana - The Cum Guzzler

This week’s girl has that special quality about her. And by special quality, I mean the load-swallowing kind. It’s not every day you run into a girl like this fellas. Dressed to fuck, Diane walked right up on us while bird-watching in the mall this afternoon. There was NO way we were letting her pass us by. Her tight-ass body in that white mini-skirt and heels was a rather simple sign telling us this girl was all about servicing some foreign stranger cock.
Story published 26-01-2014, 14:38, viewed 2384 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Ashley - Crazy for You

So I traveled down to the city this past week to do some shopping and sightseeing. It’s quite difficult to keep your head on straight while so many cute & sexy girls are walking in front of you everywhere. I’m usually good about minding my manners, but when I saw Ashley walk past me in her adorably sexy plaid skirt and white blouse I could not resist following her. I first followed on trike, then on foot into the mall, where after looking around she seated in a small café for a drink. She had definitely noticed me watching her a ways back, and was a tad bit alarmed at first, calling me crazy. Yes, I was crazy. Crazy about her!
Story published 25-01-2014, 14:45, viewed 2588 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Apple - Young Natural

This doe-eyed cutie you see before you is Apple, who was introduced to us by her friend Ashlee (Long & Leggy) from a few weeks ago. You see, when we’re in town, the word gets out and spreads all through the “Bamboo Telegraph”. I almost can’t keep up with the amount of text messages I get while I’m here. Apple is 19 years old and somewhat new to foreigner cock. To loosen her up, her friend came along to provide (im)moral support. No problems there. I don’t mind an audience. You know what they say: “You shy, your dick stays dry!”
Story published 25-01-2014, 14:22, viewed 2279 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Corina - Gangster Grill Chase

What an afternoon this was! So I’m out riding around when I see this cute little thing in red inside a trike in front of me. She looked back at me a few times and gave me the eye so I decide, what the heck, and pull up a little closer to see what was on. She seemed open to my advances so I thought this would be a perfect time to issue one of my Trike Patrol “business” cards. I’m John, the newest member of the Trike team, but very experienced with snatching up Filipinas in these parts. Among other methods, I use business cards with my cell number on them to pass out to the girls I meet and then let them come to me. With some much pussy running around, you have to get creative.
Story published 24-01-2014, 13:39, viewed 2057 times and 0 comments left.
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