Story published 31-12-2013, 13:29, viewed 2798 times and 0 comments left.
I took my mid-morning walk to the mall as I regularly do to get some exercise, watch the babes and sip some coffee. As I sat there, I noticed this really dark-skinned chick in a light yellow top walking on the lower level below where I was sitting. I’m quite a sucker for the darker-toned Pinays, not sure why. Maybe because I’m so white and opposite’s attract?
Tags: TrikePatrol, Venice
Story published 31-12-2013, 13:01, viewed 2678 times and 0 comments left.
Earlier this week I was feeling a bit tense in the afternoon so I hopped on my motorbike and headed down Periphery Road to go get a rub down at one of the Korean-run massage joints. I was actually yearning for a real massage, not a bullshit one by some untrained girl simply looking for extra hanky-panky cash. There are plenty of those types around here, but the Korean-run ones seem to offer the best genuine massages in town.
Tags: TrikePatrol, Sissi
Story published 29-12-2013, 15:20, viewed 2328 times and 0 comments left.
After many months here of continual hunting, there are some nights I just feel like throwing all chance out the window. Sure, I know here on Trike Patrol we pride ourselves on our uncanny abilities to score random pieces of Pinay “strange” walking about, but there are just some times a guy has to relax and go with something he knows will satisfy him.
Story published 29-12-2013, 14:48, viewed 2548 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 28-12-2013, 15:16, viewed 2294 times and 0 comments left.
Another sudden evening downpour this month caused me to head for cover outside a small convenience store with the hopes that it would die down a bit. I grabbed a softdrink and sat outside on the patio furniture there when a trike pulled up with 3 girls in it. They got out and walked past me all giggly and silly like all Filipinas do when they see a foreigner. The one in the tight white dressed stopped in her tracks and waved before going into the store. I noticed the naughty look in her eye right away.
Tags: TrikePatrol, Ellah
Story published 28-12-2013, 14:52, viewed 2656 times and 0 comments left.
For some reason, I awoke rather early this morning and had breakfast in the room. As I was digesting my food, I peered out over my room’s balcony to the foot and trike traffic below. After a few moments, I noticed an extremely cute looking girl walking along in a brown top and short shorts. I was caught off-guard when she looked up and waved at me filming her from above. I got excited because this girl looked so hot from a distance, I had to run down stairs to try for a closer look.
Tags: TrikePatrol, Ciara
Story published 27-12-2013, 15:34, viewed 3290 times and 0 comments left.
On some Trike Patrols, the longest road out is the shortest road home. Today was one of those days, as I set off on a lengthy health-walk for an hour or so after a late breakfast. In almost the same area I met Lyn last week, I spotted an adorable slim-bodied youngwan walking in my direction. Well, well, what have we here? This girl was extremely cute and told me her name was “Irish”. Interesting name for a Filipina I thought. I wonder if she’ll be able to resist my lucky charms? If my one-eyed trouser Borg has anything to say about it: Resistance is Futile!
Tags: TrikePatrol, Irish
Story published 27-12-2013, 14:52, viewed 2458 times and 0 comments left.
On Trike Patrol, you see types of girls you won’t find on “ordinary porn” sites. Why? Because we pride ourselves in NOT being an ordinary porn site. These are raw, unscripted, real-life sexual encounters with everyday Filipina girls. That is what we do and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. There are plenty of other Asian “porn” sites out there if you want to see plastic, overly made-up, air-brushed porn actresses on a salary get stuffed by 10 cocks while screaming like they’re getting murdered and then drinking 10 loads of cum out of a cock-tail glass on cue. (hey wait, that does sound kindof interesting)
Tags: TrikePatrol, Chezka
Story published 26-12-2013, 14:53, viewed 2874 times and 0 comments left.
Last week’s Patrol happened quite earlier in the day than usual. This week was the exact opposite. On my way home from a night of barhopping with a few friends in town, I noticed a pair of cute-looking girls inside a small convenience store. One of them looked somewhat familiar, but my vision gets a little blurred after a few beers so I had to get a closer look.
Tags: TrikePatrol, Ladylyne
Story published 25-12-2013, 14:40, viewed 2357 times and 0 comments left.