Yupin » HD Porno Clips

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Teens, Asian (Autor: admin)
StreetMeatAsia.com - Yupin

Yupin works in the furniture store, she sits in the window display on one of the sofa sets. She looks good sat on a sofa and sales are up. She does not have to do much, just look good, which is pretty good as she ain't to good at anything. So I thought I would take it one step further. I fucked her on the sofa. Do you want to buy the sofa now? Do you want a three piece suite? Now, we did not do it in the furniture store window. Not that Yupin was not willing, she will do it anywhere. Test the springs on the video.
Story published 29-01-2014, 20:43, viewed 2679 times and 0 comments left.