Vera » HD Porno Clips

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This guy sure knows how to have some fun and share his girlfriend with his best buddy. He sets it all up perfectly having her blindfolded and clueless about the fact that it's another guy fucking her tight young pussy. Finally, the blindfold comes off and surprise-surprise! This slut finds herself getting banged by a total stranger and she's too horny to stop taking his cock from every angle. Don't fall in love, bitch! He's here just to fuck you.
Story published 9-03-2014, 10:59, viewed 2788 times and 0 comments left. - Vera - From a boxer to a cuckold

Did this moron really believe he could get away with cheating on his girlfriend while she thought he was at a boxing practice? No fucking way! She found another chick's panties in his bag and retaliated with sex revenge he never saw coming. She had him bound with duct tape in bed and brought in her friend to have sex right by his side. No boxing gloves will save you from becoming a cuckold, fella. Watch your honey take that cock and suffer!
Story published 12-01-2014, 16:35, viewed 2792 times and 0 comments left.