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Anal, Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Tang Anal

Tang arrived in the big city looking for a job. She tried many shops and offices, but due to her lack of education and up-country accent, she was refused employment. Finally, she secured a job as a house maid. Her employers gave her a uniform, which unfortunately was much too small. Tang did not understand this, as she was quite slim already, but the uniform did allow a great view of her small round ass. The old owner of the house noticed this often. On one occasion when she was bending over the sofa to retrieve fluff, he came up behind her and stated quite plainly that he wanted to fuck her up her ass. Tang did not want to lose her job and have to go back up country. As well as being embarrassed by the situation, she was also embarrassed by her own thoughts that she wanted to try. There was no choice, but to serve the old man. Still with her uniform on, and her knickers drawn aside, he bum fucked her there and then, delivering an ample lashing of sperm deep in her smelly bowels. She spent the rest of the day floor cleaning, as his load, slightly discolored, oozed out of her twitching pucker. So the old man fucked her every day, and she grew increasingly to prefer being his bum bitch over mopping the floors. This went on for many weeks, until the old man's wife, Tang's employer, caught them at it. Being a practical woman, she did not fire Tang immediately, but waited till she could get commission for introducing Tang to a nearby brothel. This is where I found Tang, ready and willing shine and polish my cock, and more eager to fulfill her true vocation as botty hole provider. Wipe the stench off the video, as Tang can be your maid and perfect wife.
Story published 5-07-2013, 15:13, viewed 3764 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Breeze

Breeze has developed the sexual arts to perfection, practicing cock sucking every evening for one hour. She used to do yoga to stretch into different positions, but now she finds life is easier if she is an out and out slut, and has many customers. Watch Breeze on video and know why she is always in demand.
Story published 4-07-2013, 11:39, viewed 2639 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin)
Story published 3-07-2013, 19:26, viewed 2999 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Blond Barbie

Golden blond hair, blue eyes, tongue stud and a freshly shaven pubic mound, a typical Asian Street Meat girl. I did not quite understand the big glasses, but she enjoyed the chains and was an enthusiastic fuck. She has got three foreign boyfriends that send her money each month and think she is faithful to them, not realizing that she averages ten to twenty different guys each week. You should fuck her, everyone else does. Unchain the video.
Story published 2-07-2013, 13:35, viewed 2410 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Risa

Nubile Risa is always polite and does everything that the man in front of her asks. So last Sunday at the shopping mall, she was ready to get down on her hands and knees and start gobbling off in the clothing department. I told her to wait for me at the gents toilet while I chatted up one of the sales assistants. Anyway, by the time I got to the toilet, another guy was fucking the stupid girly over the sink.
Story published 1-07-2013, 13:46, viewed 3794 times and 0 comments left.
Anal, Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Ying Anal

I was at the market looking for cheap shoes. Fresh faced girlies are everywhere at the market, smiling pleasantly. Girls doing shopping, girls selling their ware on the stalls, you can smell the crumpet. And seeing me, many wonder what it would be like to have a foreigner as a boyfriend. Forget bloody shoes, I knew it would be a good day for a pickup. One particular tall slim girl in a little pink dress and black stockings was wondering around half aimlessly. She stopped at a few food stalls and complained how expensive it was, even though it was all cheep. So I sidled up beside her and offered to buy her something sweet. Fuck off you cheep fuck head foreigner you just wanna fuck my ass, she shouted, with a dirty sneer on her face. Well, I was a bit taken aback, but quick as a flash I replied, so how much money do you want for that then? Fuck you, she swore again, dirty foreigner want to fuck my ass and it hurts. I can buy you lunch, I told her. She spat on the ground next to me. Her face showed contempt, but her figure was appealing, and I really did fancy getting up her back passage. You buy me lunch and new shoes too then I go with you, she said, and spat again. Then she grabbed my hand. I do like the smell of new shoes, and that pair of fake leather flip flops was a good buy. Watch Ying sneer and complain and squeeze her tight sphincter muscles each stoke as my penis glides up between her round brown little buttocks.
Story published 30-06-2013, 13:46, viewed 5150 times and 0 comments left.
Anal, Teens, Asian (Autor: admin)
Story published 28-06-2013, 16:42, viewed 3614 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Slowmo

I fucked my mate's bird. Everyone has. She is called Slowmo, 'cos she is quick to go with anyone. A real good homely girl that is happy to please her husband, and anyone else who happens to be around at the time. I think he knows about it, but he doesn't care 'cos he gets plenty himself. So I go around his house and she offers me a cup of coffee. Do I want anything else? Yeah, I will rub my hands up her ass crack and finger her. Watch the video, you are not the first.
Story published 27-06-2013, 12:37, viewed 2627 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Bea

Bright eyed and wanting to please, I found Bea wobbling along the sidewalk. She was wearing a tacky bum peaking stupidly short micro skirt and Mount Everest proportion high heels, the sort of shoes that a girl buys to look grown up, but merely makes the statement that she is fuck bunny cock sucking bimbo. I followed closely behind her, enjoying watching her ass cheeks rotate left and right as her skirt flipped up each step. I left it too long, and some other guy caught her eye. So still behind her, I looked over her shoulder at him and said, 'Sorry mate, this is my wife you're looking at.' He looked foolish and buggered off quickly. Bea, however, turned to look at me with complete and utter bewilderment, her big eyes blinking while developing a thought. Both she and I waited for the thought to travel through her brain, get lost, and eventually come out again as the words, 'You want me what you want?' 'I want to fuck you girl' I told her. There was another pause, as her eyes glazed with the stress of compiling language, until with the peak of articulation she came out with, 'I good girl, you give me money.' A gorgeous firm podgy fuck, watch the video.
Story published 26-06-2013, 13:55, viewed 5181 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Sipbaat

Lost in the mega city with no money, but with a gorgeous little body, well there is only one thing for a cute girl to do. So Sipbaat went to the red light district and got herself a job as a gogo dancer. She resolved that she would merely dance, and not go home with customers, so she would just be able to pay for food and room rent. The first day on the job, she was given her costume, a Brazilian thong, a cute little blouse, pink high heels and frilly socks. Wearing this costume made her feel more accessible than if she was naked, and what was worse, her boss told her not to cover up when she was on break or eating. She was a walking advert for men to come and fuck. One day, while walking to work, a kindly gentleman stopped her and asked for directions to the red light district. He was polite and charming, but quite direct. He asked how much for sex. Sipbaat knew what the other girls charged, some of them made good money, so she told him what the other girls went for. The kindly gentleman put his arm around her, and guided her to a secluded doorway. He reached down and moved her Brazilian thong to the side, unzipped himself and inserted his large penis in her small vagina, while she was still pressed up against the door. There was nothing she could do about her predicament, and nothing she wanted to do. It all seemed quite natural and expected. He pounded away for ten minutes then thrust a little money into her fist. Her told her not to complain. She was not going to anyway. As Sipbaat walked back to the gogo bar, she could feel the sperm seeping from her vagina and rubbing into the skin on the insides of her thighs. Once inside, and before she got on stage to dance, she accepted an offer from a customer to have sex in the toilet. Then she gave another customer oral sex under the table. Sipbaat had comfortably accepted her role in life, a cum dump girl.
Story published 25-06-2013, 15:20, viewed 4847 times and 0 comments left.
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