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The ocean is agitated, alive — white-capped waves roll insistently towards the beach and break against rocks and black sand. The strand is desolate, beautiful, bathed in the rays of the late afternoon Sun. As the stars of "The Sea Mousse" arrive in this striking landscape they are giddy, beaming, running ankle-deep in the foamy surf, two stunning young women, playfully, eagerly, entirely in love. Carefully balancing sex and art, director Andrej Lupin then positions his subjects — Lorena B and Whitney Conroy — on a blanket mere feet from the surging waters. What follows combines natural beauty with artful style, the hunger of passion flows into the most tender romance. Love in the afternoon, accompanied by the sand, the surf, salt spray, glimmering light, lengthening shadow, and the rolling, crashing waves of exquisite orgasmic delight. Let "The Sea Mousse" sweep you away to a place of extreme beauty and overwhelming pleasure.
Story published 29-06-2013, 12:04, viewed 2969 times and 0 comments left. - Paula Shy - Like Old Times

A young, carefree couple wander the park like grounds of a farm or ranch. They appear to be alone — and most certainly in a romantic world of their own — as they stroll among the stone outbuildings. Suddenly the girl (Paula Shy) breaks gleefully into a run and her boyfriend (Daniel G) falls in behind her. Their destination? An old barn filled with bales of golden hay. The mood quickly shifts from playful to romantic, and then from romantic to passionate. After spreading a handy sheepskin pelt on the mattress of straw at their feet, the couple proceed to do what couples do when they find themselves alone in a private place in a picturesque setting. With its sincere and heartfelt performances, "Like Old Times" provides a detailed illustration of the old expression "a roll in the hay." And, in something of an unexpected twist, Andrej Lupin's film doesn't end with a passionate internal ejaculation — instead Ariel Piper Fawn (who served as Set Designer and Producer of the movie) rides up on horseback and joins the real life couple for an informal sex interview.
Story published 18-06-2013, 12:35, viewed 3193 times and 0 comments left.