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Forgot password? Sign up - Argentina - Fucking hobby that pays in cash

This guy is a fucking pervert who wants to make money on his girlfriend's love for sex and have some fun along the way. He hooks her up with a rich friend of his and licks her sweet pussy while she sucks the guy's dick. How fucked up is that? He stays with her all the way watching her take some deep hard drilling in every position she knows and get cumsprayed like a dirty slut. Now he has the money for a new TV and she has a new fucking hobby.
Story published 24-03-2014, 16:37, viewed 2135 times and 0 comments left. - Marina - Loser lets his gf fuck for cash

This guy thought he was in trouble when he ran out of money and the only option to get some quick cash was selling his girlfriend's pussy to some rich guy from the Internet. Well, guess now he's in real trouble cuz despite all the controversy of the situation and the jealousy he displayed his girlfriend really enjoyed sucking dick and fucking for cash. Next time she does it he might not get a penny at all. Should have known better, you loser.
Story published 24-03-2014, 16:06, viewed 1920 times and 0 comments left.