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Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Pinky

Pinky is a zombie. She died three years ago, but because her boyfriend loved her so much, he was able to keep her alive, merely with the power of love. Being a zombie is simple enough, but living with one is problematic. At times Pinky has a habit of eating people, especially her relatives. She recently ate her mother, after complaining about a trail of guts in the kitchen. Then she ate the postman, and the mail has not been delivered since. The affluent neighbors in the big house opposite, well she ate their daughter, because she was noisy. So Pinky got expelled from the village, and was sent to work in a gogo bar. This is where I found her, eating a large Arab man's brains in the toilet. She had already consumed his penis. His face did not look too good, what was left of it. I felt sorry for Pinky. While I was making this video, she seemed a very pleasant zombie, so long as she was not hungry. So I made a suggestion that the next time there is a news story about boat people, she should fly out, or swim to wherever the boat is, and eat as many as she likes. No one would give a shit. That is the power of love.
Story published 12-06-2013, 15:52, viewed 3872 times and 0 comments left.