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Asian (Autor: admin) - Lidia - Layover Lust

As we like to say around here, Filipina pussy has no borders and no Filipina pussy is safe when we’re out on the prowl. That includes the grand ol’ US of A. We did a patrol in Cali a few weeks ago if you recall, snaring the sexy Mena Li. Now, that one went over with mixed results, but a lot of comments were positive. For many Filipina lovers, seeing a Filipina anywhere is a welcome sight, even if she’s an American raised one. This week, we encountered a Pinay somewhere in middle America, who was trying to catch her flight back to the PI. Turns out it got delayed and she was stuck without a place to crash. A couple friends who are newbies in the game of Filipina cunt-crushing, were kind enough to offer this gal Lidia a room for the night….but it came with a price.
Story published 29-04-2014, 15:00, viewed 3364 times and 0 comments left.