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This teeny is shocked to find her boyfriend dead drunk in bed with an almost empty bottle of booze and a used condom by his side. This shmuck probably brought another slut home and fucked her and this time he's not getting away with it. His honey has a perfect revenge idea and soon enough the poor fella finds himself tied up and gagged watching her suck another guy's cock and get fucked right in front of his eyes. What a vindictive bitch!
Story published 30-05-2013, 16:31, viewed 2797 times and 0 comments left. - Karen, Kostya, Kevin - Sex revenge from a jealous girlfriend

This schmuck should have thought twice before cheating on his jealous girlfriend during his summer vacation. Once she gets to know it all she strikes back with the kinkiest revenge ever taping the poor guy's hands to his head and making him watch her suck her neighbor's cock and get fucked to a screaming orgasm right on the table. Fucking crazy teens! You can tell the guy gets horny while watching his gf get drilled by her lover. What a douche!
Story published 26-05-2013, 13:18, viewed 3571 times and 0 comments left.