Jess had long harboured a secret crush on her best friend, Carly. They had grown up together and through the course of their childhood, they had become an inseparable duo. They did everything together and could rarely be seen apart, whether they were applying each other’s make-up, going shopping or attending lectures at college. They even took the same courses and since their birthdays were so close, they had opted for a joint 18th birthday party.
Story published 30-12-2013, 15:43, viewed 2401 times and 0 comments left.
Ever since Hayden had joined his graphic design firm, Adam had felt inescapably drawn to her. He would often catch himself staring across at her desk, watching her as she worked. Nobody could have blamed him, either. Her sensational beauty and petite frame would have driven any red blooded male to distraction and he wasn’t the only man in the office who lusted after her.
Story published 30-12-2013, 13:48, viewed 1804 times and 0 comments left.