Hanna Lee » HD Porno Clips

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Teens, Asian (Autor: admin)
TukTukPatrol.com - Hanna Lee - Thai beauty for two

Sorry for the delay guys, we had to hold off a couple days on this one because after seeing the first few pics of what Mr Nice sent us, we realized it was best to wait for the full video and gallery to upload (third world internet, you know) and it’s a long one! An hour and 8 minutes, to be exact!
After some casual, yet naughty, convo with a real Thai beauty they met while out for supper, the boys worked their charms and were en-route to give the girl a ride home but firstly, they must stop in at the hotel on the way. Not questioning anything, Hanna Lee followed suite and went for a ride with he boys that she will not soon forget! Damn, what an ass on this tightly dressed beauty as she walks up to the tuk tuk… if that doesn’t get your blood pumping, you’re dead. Seriously, get your heart checked!
Story published 22-07-2013, 11:16, viewed 5989 times and 0 comments left.