Fluid was lying in the gutter, half drenched in a mixture of sperm, sweat and her own vaginal expellant. She is a cock sucking vagrant, partly because she cannot do anything else, and mainly because she has a genetic mutation such that her vagina overproduces natural lubricant. The crew of the road cleaning truck had all fucked her many times and now were having a difficult task of sweeping round her. Poor wretched girl. So I stepped in to rescue the unfortunate waif and put her to good use. She was happy to star in her first porn movie for the fantastic StreetMeatAsia.com. She loved it and dribbled sperm from her mouth, and gunk gushed from her vagina. Did not have a smell it just got everywhere, her tights were covered with it, the sofa was covered with it. Her hair got matted with it, not quite sure how it got up there. I had to wipe down the camera a couple of times. Pints of the bloody stuff. She thoroughly enjoyed it, I fucking did too. Then I kicked her out to shake it off back in the gutter again. Watch the video, and have a clean cloth at hand.
Tags: StreetMeatAsia, Fluid
Story published 21-06-2013, 12:34, viewed 3737 times and 0 comments left.