I had this call-up girl Calie over cuz I just wanted to fuck and had my spy camera glasses on to capture the whole thing for my site. I opened the door and was like “Wow” cuz she was such a hottie, oh my god! The best ass and titties I've seen in a long time and a sweet young pussy that loved my mouth, my cock and a load of cum I blasted on it. That's what I call money well spent – fucking such an amazing babe totally made my day.
Tags: FuckingGlasses, Calie
Story published 30-07-2014, 20:12, viewed 3917 times and 0 comments left.
Calie loves it when a guy eats her out, but she's never done it in front of the camera. She also said I should be flattered cuz she let me take over in bed and fuck her from behind like I wanted. I know she loved it big time, but when somebody on her college campus saw this video online and downloaded it to the local network she became the #1 talked-about slut in college. Boy, was poor Cali pissed when she called me the next week to bitch about it.
Tags: PrivateCasting-X, Calie
Story published 16-03-2014, 10:44, viewed 2237 times and 0 comments left.