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Forgot password? Sign up -  Anne & Emerald - Market Fuck

The market place sets the scene for a very hot girl/girl movie (and photo set). Pumped full of adrenaline, and feeling horny as fuck, they kiss and fondle in public, creating a stir, before finding a secluded place to fuck standing up. Oral sex makes the girls cum and it’s reciprocated before a good finger bang brings on MORE Orgasms.
Story published 18-04-2014, 19:41, viewed 2236 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Lesbians (Autor: admin) -  Anne, Sofier & Taliah - Ahoy Captain

Washed up on a remote Australian beach Anne Melb, Sofier and Taliah take matters into their own mouths and get down for a 3-way pussy licking session. Drenched in salty water, under the full sun, the girls are dripping with sexual excitement as the nudists gather round, the girls keep on fucking in this awesome outdoor 3sum.
Story published 18-04-2014, 17:27, viewed 2658 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Group, Asian (Autor: admin) - Nicole & Anne - Relative Humidity

The beads of sweat rolling down a girl’s back while she gets fucked doggy-style lying beside her sister. That is relative humidity and that is what happened this past week my friends. Not only is this episode the answer to Trike Patrol’s first ever members-voted returnee, but it is also the first—and maybe only ever—episode featuring two honest-to-goodness SISTERS getting fucked side-by-side! Even one of those reasons alone is enough to make it a MUST SEE, but the two of them combined in one episode make this week’s release a fucking grand slam in the bottom of the 9th.
Story published 15-01-2014, 15:53, viewed 2400 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Anne – Don’t Tell My Sister

How could anyone forget the hot threesome I had a few weeks ago with the two sisters Anne and Nicole? Well it seems I wasn’t the only one still dreaming about it. Nicole’s sister Anne started texting me a few days ago, first just friendly “hellos” and “what are you doings” and “did you eat your lunch” type texts, then she began with the hints at something more. Anne strikes me as the type who doesn’t get out much and who always played 2nd fiddle to her admittedly better looking sister Nicole. I am almost certain the only reason she came along the first time was because her sister talked her into it. It’s hard to focus on one girl during a threesome, but I sensed she was really enjoying herself and that she doesn’t get as much sex as she wants.
Story published 13-01-2014, 14:51, viewed 2306 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Group, Asian (Autor: admin) - Anne & Ivy - Double Date Fornicate

After many months here of continual hunting, there are some nights I just feel like throwing all chance out the window. Sure, I know here on Trike Patrol we pride ourselves on our uncanny abilities to score random pieces of Pinay “strange” walking about, but there are just some times a guy has to relax and go with something he knows will satisfy him.
Story published 29-12-2013, 14:48, viewed 2549 times and 0 comments left.