Why some days here, you find yourself going down the strangest of paths before long. Expect the unexpected is a good motto. Even just enjoying an iced-tea in a little shop by the mall, you can spot females walking around just waiting to be plucked and fucked at the drop of a piso. In my view, after you’ve had such a substantial collection of primo Asian pussy, you end up learning towards the atypical offerings.
Story published 15-12-2013, 15:35, viewed 2148 times and 0 comments left.
That’s an old saying my Great Uncle used whenever he reminisced about his pussy-chasing youth. Hey, this mongering gene runs deep in my family I guess, and my Dog Days are still in full swag.
Story published 15-12-2013, 14:58, viewed 2154 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 15-12-2013, 13:59, viewed 3710 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 15-12-2013, 13:38, viewed 2125 times and 0 comments left.
Sophie and Kayla takes a shortcut with their car through the forest, but somewhere midway the damned vehicle breaks down. The girls phone for help, but nobody replies, and since they unable to repair the car themselves, they decide to go and find some help themselves. Instead of help though, they find two brutal man living nearby and craving for some kinky fun.
Story published 15-12-2013, 12:59, viewed 2110 times and 0 comments left.
Sophie and Kayla takes a shortcut with their car through the forest, but somewhere midway the damned vehicle breaks down. The girls phone for help, but nobody replies, and since they unable to repair the car themselves, they decide to go and find some help themselves. Instead of help though, they find two brutal man living nearby and craving for some kinky fun.
Story published 15-12-2013, 12:29, viewed 2399 times and 0 comments left.
Nia Black may have first hand experiences with real cocks and dildos alike, but we're pretty sure she haven't had the luck to give YOU a blowjob. Well, let's chance it this time, even if virtually. We lend you a cock to try it in Nia's mouth and pussy. And if you get tired, there ia a dildo in reach to use while you gather your strength for the next round.
Story published 15-12-2013, 11:53, viewed 1624 times and 0 comments left.
Albert apparently tries to regain some of his youth by hanging out with young, hot girls. They fill him up with energy, their smiles galvanize him, and their tight, tasty pussies makes him horny as never before. Just like Denise Sky, who gives the old man everything he dreamt about and even more.
Story published 15-12-2013, 11:11, viewed 1905 times and 0 comments left.
Yes, that's a bottle of lube and a cock filling her holes. Meet Lexi. A young local stripper (sorry..."dancer") who frequently masturbates and likes to put on a show, touch her titties like she's "dancing" even when she's not, and says all the right things to get ahead with a male decision maker. Today that's me, or so she thinks. A good stripper usually makes enough in tips and VIP room blowjobs to not need to get into the porn business. Lexi can jiggle her ass cheeks and play temptress like the best of 'em so why interview for porn jobs? Maybe she's really as hyper sexual as she portrays herself to be. Either way, anything goes with her. I just wish she hadn't sucked off the whole Smurf village before she came here, or did whatever she did to get that blue colored tongue. Speaking of sucking cocks: she's amazing at it. Sloppy, loud, wet. Wet like her pussy. You'll actually hear it. She's not exactly protesting what's going on and she says she's done anal (once, it turns out) so I shove the lube bottle in her ass, then I have her fuck herself with it while I penetrate her ass. You know, the usual stuff a girl would do at a job interview. Yes it hurts but she's determined to make it look like it's the most fun she's ever had. She even takes the cum facial with gratitude. When I'm finished with her she's visibly relieved: having endured all that, surely she'll get those glamorous adult modeling gigs, and she can kiss the stripper life goodbye. Oh wait....
Story published 14-12-2013, 15:23, viewed 1858 times and 0 comments left.
I'm a believer now - in Female Ejaculation, that is. 19 year old squirter Karissa proved to me it's not just pee by another name. She also proved that a girl can be TOO happy and outgoing: like a perpetually horny wind-up toy, Karissa is the perfect candidate to get into porn, as long as the viewer can deal with cheeriness that borders on insanity. The little attention whore started doing webcam chats where she can show off her pussy squirting skills to a live audience, so doing porn movies is the next logical step. Given how enthusiastic this girl is about sex, she'd probably do really well at it. I can't help her with that but with her energy she's bound to keep going until she finds a real producer - you know, the kind that doesn't shove his cock up her ass for her "demo tape". Bonus fun: she can put her legs behind her head when she's fucking. Bonus bonus: she doesn't complain when I give her a creampie that consist of one of my biggest cum loads yet.
Story published 14-12-2013, 14:59, viewed 2134 times and 0 comments left.