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Anal, Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Tracy Anal

Any self respecting genetically modified fuck toy takes it up the bum. And because she is genetically engineered, her ass hole does not smell. Ever smiling Tracy welcomes cock up her ass hole with ease, as she is self lubricating. That is correct. Although the scientists considered strapping a tube of KY to the inside of her rectum, they found it was unnecessary. Tracy ingests copious amounts of sperm, from every employee at the research center. It all circulates her intestines, which is modified, so she produces plenty of slimy mucous from her back passage. From all three holes. Wipe the video.
Story published 20-06-2013, 13:09, viewed 4363 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Bimbo Tech

Bimbotech is the successful result of mind control by her boyfriend, who only a year ago was lonely, but enterprising. He took a course in hypnotism, and quickly became proficient. After practicing on his pet dog with excellent results, he convinced his dog it was a cat, a remarkable achievement. The he turned his attention to the girl at the antiques shop, a good looking girl who had no interest in an ugly guy with a paunch and a spotty face like him. He was interested in her, and had a secret crush on her. So in her shop he asked to handle a gold granddad pocket watch with a long chain. He dangled it in front of her face and asked her to examine it and tell him the price. As soon as her eyes focused on the watch, he had her mesmerized. She was in his control, a perfect use of technique, which he used to create his own bimbo. His first order was for her to stop working and go shopping for slutty clothes. Then he sent her to work in a gogo bar, where she happily serviced men all day and night, only to return home to cook and wash for her new true love. Watch the movie, appreciate the technique of the bimbo.
Story published 19-06-2013, 12:21, viewed 3398 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Baby Slut

Baby Love loves to watch cartoons, especially these Japanese ones, where all the girls are ultra-cute and wear tiny outfits that show off their legs. So in her spare time, she dresses up like her favorite cartoon characters, in high heels, black stockings, and feminine micro dresses. For some reason, all these cute cartoon girls that she emulates that are so sexy, end up getting fucked by tentacled monsters and ogres with big cocks. In some stories, the cartoon characters are kept as sex slaves so that the monsters can breed with their super cute chicks and make monster babies. These monsters obviously have good taste, and prefer super cute girlies to their own sort. So when Baby Love dresses this way, she is sure to get fucked by something hideous as well. That's me. Just how Baby Love enjoyed it, watch the video and see her orgasming.
Story published 19-06-2013, 11:46, viewed 3230 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Flower

Apart from having a really crap tattoo on her left leg, Flower of Love was fucking gorgeous, with firm little titties, smooth skin and small round creamy buttocks. She wrapped her lithe legs around me and held on with her ankles as I thoroughly enjoyed poking her sweet wet vagina. I can't remember where I picked her up, or when she left. I must have been in some alcohol induced stupor. Pity, I could do with shagging her again now. Anyway, my wallet is lighter and I got the video. Have a laugh at her ridiculous Flower of Love tattoo.
Story published 18-06-2013, 11:48, viewed 2683 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Metal Mouth

Metal Mouth readily acknowledges the fact that as a cutie pie, she only has one option in life. In a professional manner, she lets herself get fucked, grotesquely, by ugly old men, whilst still maintaining her pristine lovely looks. Often, while walking on the streets, she is attacked by aliens. Three headed giants pin her to the ground and fill her with copious amounts of sticky white fluid. No kidding. She has high tech alloy metal grills permanently attached to the front of her teeth, not only adding to her cute looks, but making speech difficult. So, she can never complain when having sex. In fact the only words that she has practiced enough to articulate well are, 'Please fuck me.' You can find her in the street, in dark alleyways, with her knickers around her ankles and extra galactic sperm cascading down her inner thighs. She won't even clean herself before she says to you, 'Please fuck me.' See and hear her on the video.
Story published 18-06-2013, 11:08, viewed 2550 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Stockings

You might well have heard of David Icke, and the fight against the controlling reptilian lizard people who rule our world, interbreeding with the rich and famous and able to 'shape shift' to change form. These high order reptiles are multi-dimensional beings, who feed off of the negative energy of our pain, suffering and hatred. This is why is joining the fight, and helping him with his quest to expose these hideous creatures. Sex produces positive energy. Unhindered sex with gorgeous lithe Asian girlies with soft silky skin makes you feel good. The perfect tits sticking out of this girl's body stockings, well that makes you feel good. So you understand about the positive energy. Lizard people are dead against sex and the enjoyment of life. So David Icke is being asked to perform in one of our movies, to show how sexual energy can be produced, and free the individual from the deadly controlling influence exerted on our world. Now this videos clearly demonstrates both sides of this energy. Please watch. Note how this girl is clearly under remote control at the beginning, looking unhappy with complete lizard bimbo mummification. Then as the sexual energy pervades, she becomes free, excited and happy, and the spirit is fulfilled.
Story published 17-06-2013, 13:08, viewed 2770 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Far

Far was on the national judo team, tall strong and very pliable, and won most of her early championships against expectations. She was quite good at judo in general terms, but nowhere near as good as she would have needed to be at that level. But she fucked all of the coaches, judges and better known opponents, and just seemed to win matches and be given decisions with ease. Pure corruption. Not with money. Sex. In fact, she put in more practice with screwing than with judo. They are both pretty similar really, lots of close quarter grappling and groundwork, and an intimate knowledge of how to handle your opponent. She does not do judo anymore. Too much work and no money. But she does keep up with her training, and puts her perfect figure to work. For the price of a new white T bikini, Far will suck dick then pull her slim white supple legs behind her shoulders, hold on to your neck, while she glides her soaking vaginal mound over your cock. Look in the back issues of the judo association magazine, and see her picture, or better still, watch the video. This girl is available for you now. Please remember, Far is not a product of selective breeding with mutant reptilians, and has no intention of ruling the planet.
Story published 17-06-2013, 12:24, viewed 3870 times and 1 comments left.
Anal, Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Extension Anal

Shape shifting, mind control, the elite illumiate, all this is the reason why gorgeous beings open their bowels and delight in anal sex. David Icke has the power to shape shift, just like his enemy, the controlling lizard people. It is a bit convenient how he can do this just as well. Watch how he rules the girl's mind so that she relaxes her anal sphincter muscles, so he can slip his penis up her rectum into her lower bowels...
Story published 15-06-2013, 14:05, viewed 4117 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin)
Story published 15-06-2013, 12:09, viewed 6633 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Angelica

Angelica picks up guys in church. There is always some new guy in town with good intentions and an honest way of life, who comes to church to pray, and also is pleased for the company in the big hot sprawling anonymous city. Angelica likes sex and money, and does not give a shit about religion. She knows the service off by heart, as she does her pitch. She unassumingly sidles up to the new guy and flashes her big blue Asian eyes at the unknowing foreigner. Old or young, she does not give a shit either. She does give a shit about the money she gets, the donation that she asks the guy for after he has brought her to his hotel and fucked her. It is usually well enough to keep her going a week till the next service. And the guy readily hands her the money, because after ejaculating, he is too racked with religious guilt, and the thought of his not so pretty wife back home finding out. Angelica gets free reign at the church. Everyone knows what she does, the cheep whore, but no one says a thing. Certainly not the priest, he is racked by religious guilt too, filthy fucker, she has sucked him off a few times. And so she sits near the back, dressed conservatively, with her soiled pink knickers hidden well beneath a proper skirt. Well what the fuck am I doing in church? Going to fuck an angel. And I have not got any stupid guilt. Donation, all I can do is spread the gospel. Watch the video.
Story published 14-06-2013, 13:20, viewed 3635 times and 0 comments left.
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