You know this TV program where they have all these would be pop stars trying to win (I am not allowed to fucking say the name of the show but you all know) and it is all rigged anyway. Well, Manee works on the local version as the coach showing the wouldbes how to look at the camera. That is all she does. You never see her on the show, but it would not work without her, 'cos the contestants are fucking useless and don't even know where to look. So that is what she does. Shows them how to make the right eyes that everyone loves, and look into the fucking camera. Now I have got her on my show, here she is looking right at you. My cock in her mouth, and she looks at the camera. Cock up her sweet vagina, she looks at the camera. Don't know why you want to look at the fucking camera, all I wanna do is look at her, fucking great girl. Better talent than any on that TV show. She make nice noises to. High definition blue eyed video. You want real reality, Street Meat Asia in my hotel room.
Story published 27-03-2015, 14:49, viewed 2526 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 27-03-2015, 14:09, viewed 1612 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 27-03-2015, 12:40, viewed 1704 times and 0 comments left.